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Sunday Mass Registration
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成人慕道班是為了解和體驗基督的宗教信仰,特別是羅馬天主教的傳統和信理。歡迎你來尋求真理、喜樂、平安、救贖以及更多的恩典。 每個人都各自有不同的信仰歷程 ,我們很樂意陪伴你走這旅程。請致電我們的堂區辦公室 780-482-7481,我們的義務工作人員將會與你聯絡。課程將會用廣東話、普通話或英語授課。 倘若你還未有意參加成人慕道班,但想探索人生和信仰的意義,請也打電話給我們,我們樂意為你安排。

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Catechism Class for Adults

This is the way adults come to learn about and experience the Christian life, specifically the Roman Catholic tradition. Come and search for yourself. Truth, joy, peace, salvation and many more graces are waiting for you to discover. Everyone’s faith journey is unique, and we would be happy to accompany you on it. Give us a call at our parish office 780-482-7481 and you will be directed to speak to our volunteers.  Classes are available in Cantonese, Mandarin and English. If you are not ready to join the Catechism class but would like to search for the meaning of life and faith, please give us a call too and we will be happy  accommodate you.

Parish Pastor : Rev. Dominic Qin, CSJB


Deacon : Francis Lau



1. 郵寄支票:

        Chinese Catholic Parish (Edmonton)

        10140 119 St NW, Edmonton, AB  T5K 1Y9

2. 電子郵件轉帳:

* 請備註捐獻意向, 捐款信封號碼或全名.

Donate to Our Parish

1. Mail cheque to our parish:
        Chinese Catholic Parish (Edmonton)

        10140 119 St NW, Edmonton, AB  T5K 1Y9

2. Interac e-Transfer:

* Please specify donation purpose, along with your donation envelope number or full name.

(780) 482-7481

10140 119 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta

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