Mary Help of Christians Chinese Catholic Parish
Edmonton Alberta Canada

Archdiocese News
Support for Ukraine - Bulletin and Donation Information (2022-02-24)
Archbishop Smith pledges support - Alberta stands with Ukraine Online Campaign
Statement by Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishop on Russian Invasion of Ukraine
Regarding Archdiocese Indigenous Reconciliation Fund 關於總教區的土著人民基金 (2022-02-24)
CBC Interview with Archbishop Smith on Indigenous Reconciliation Fund
Indigenous Canada course offered by University of Alberta
Archdiocese Indigenous Relations
Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops announcement on Indigenous Reconciliation Fund
Archdiocese on Catholic Education 總教區關於天主教教育 (2021-11)
Journey with Saint Joseph Novena in Preparation for Catholic Education Sunday
Letter from the Catholic Bishops of Alberta and NWT on Catholic Education
Catholic Education Sunday in Alberta
Catholic Bishops of Canada to Indigenous Peoples 加拿大天主教主教團對土著人民聲明 (2022-09)
Statement of Apology by the Catholic Bishops of Canada to the Indigenous Peoples of This Land