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2018 北美華人天主教會議主題為“活力泉源”,主講嘉賓是高夏芳修女。大會的主要目標是提供教區領袖和信徒一個機會去討論及研究華人堂區及團體的使命,以及制定計劃和方向。透過靈修啟示,研究實踐方法,分享成功案例,以工作坊模式去討論及研究以下五大主題:

1.  找出福傳的巧妙 

2. 將靈修與時並進

3. 增加華裔的聖召

4. 加強青少年對信仰的投入

5. 多元文化與共融


Program Details

The 2018 North America Chinese Catholic Apostolate Convention theme is "Fountain of Vitality" and the keynote speaker is Sister Maria Ko.  The key objective of the convention is to provide an opportunity for the leaders and members of Chinese parishes and communities to develop plan and stategy for their key missions through spiritual inspiration, success story presentations, best practice approach and discussion workshops.  The five key discussion topics are:

1.  Evangelization

2. Faith Formation

3. Vocation

4. Youth and Young Adult Development

5. Multi-culturalism and Unity

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