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北美天主教華人牧傳大會是由北美天主教華人使徒大會 (North America Chinese Catholic Apostolate) [formerly known as 北美天主教華人聖職修會成員暨教友聯會(North America Chinese Catholic Clergy, Religious and Laity Association)]主辦﹐該會由朱勵德神父﹑張必剛神父和江綏神父於一九七八年初展開籌備﹐於當年十一月二十七日召開籌備會﹐並於一九七九年六月二十九日在紐約市華埠顯聖容堂召開首屆會員大會﹐會上一致通過張必剛神父為會長和江綏神父為副會長﹐一九八零年﹐張必剛神父被調往新加坡﹐由江綏神父昇任為會長﹐歷屆曾任聯會會長的計有蔣劍秋神父﹑蕭見忠神父﹑鄭海康神父﹑彭保祿神父和現任會長朱達章神父﹐聯會於一九八三年獲美國紐約教區認可﹐並在一九八四年獲美國主教團正式承認。





Brief account of North America Chinese Catholic Clergy, Religious and Laity Association :

The North American Chinese Catholic Clergy, Religious and Laity Convention was organized by the North America Chinese Catholic Clergy, Religious and Laity Association. In early 1978, Rev. Zhu Li De, Rev. Zhang Bie Gang and Rev. Joseph Chiang came up with an idea of an organizing committee. An organizing committee meeting was held on November 27 of the same year. The first general meeting was held on June 29, 1979 in the Church of the Transfiguration, New York City. Rev. Zhang was elected as the President and Rev. Chiang as the Vice-President. In 1980, Rev. Zhang was transferred to Singapore and Rev. Chiang became the President. Over the years, elected as the President include Rev. Xiao Jian Zhung, Rev. Jiang Jian Qiu, Rev. Zheng Hai Kang, Rev. Paul Pang and the current president Rev. Paul Chu. The Association was officially approved by the New York Archdiocese in 1983 and by the American Conference of Catholic Bishops in 1984.

North American Chinese Catholic Clergy, Religious and Laity Convention :

Since the first North America Chinese Pastoral Conference held in the Church of the Transfiguration, New York City in 1981, the Association hosted pastoral conferences in different cities in US and Canada every year. Conferences have been held in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Houston, Chicago, Dallas, Washington, Hawaii and Boston of US and Mississauga, Montreal, Calgary and Vancouver of Canada. 1993 was the only year when a conference was not held. In addition, altogether four World Overseas Chinese Pastoral and Evangelization Conferences were held in Rome in 2000, in Los Angeles in 2006, in Singapore in 2006 and in Sydney in 2009. The least number of attendees was the 12th Convention in Washington in 1992. Owing to the snowstorm, there were only 10 participants. The greatest number of attendees were the 9th Convention in New York in 1989, the 21st Convention in Los Angeles in 2001 and the 25th Convention in Boston in 2005, each having more than eighty participants. Regarding the World Overseas Chinese Pastoral and Evangelization Conferences, there were 117 participants in the 1st Conference in Rome in 2000, over 130 participants in the 2nd Conference in Los Angeles in 2003, 194 participants in the 3rd Conference in Singapore in 2006 and 170 participants in the 4th Conference in Sydney in 2009.




Rev. Paul Chu 朱達章神父

Chinese Ministry, Archdiocese of Vancouver

Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Precious Blood Parish,

Surrey, B.C., Canada


Rev. John Lam, SDB 林健漢神父

St. Bridget Chinese Catholic Church

Los Angeles, CA, USA


Rev. Augustine Chan 陳思定神父

St. Mary’s Parish

Brampton, Ontario, Canada

Mr. Michael Lau 劉戊鏗先生

Los Angeles, CA, USA


Mr. George Lee 李平得先生

St. Therese Chinese Catholic Church

Chicago, IL, USA


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